I recently took Cllr Tom Cunningham, the new highways portfolio holder at Essex County Council, to see first hand the problems in Broomfield Road.
We met Stephen Lawlor the head teacher at Chelmsford County High School for Girls. If a new place is found for the school buses to wait for students at the end of the school day this will greatly help reduce congestion and improve safety.
We walked the route to the station from the school. The solution proposed by the Lib Dem’s at Chelmsford City Council to ask the buses to wait opposite Hyatt Place is not safe or practical. It would require around two hundred more students trying to cross the gyratory junction.
We agreed the much safer solution is for the buses to wait in the Rectory Lane West car park. This is much closer to the school. This is being opposed by Lib Dem’s at the City Council.
I will be working with Conservative Councillor Cllr Pappa Vetri to try to put pressure on the City Council to agree a safe and practical solution.
New directional arrows on the cycle paths should be coming soon.
Tom and I also discussed pot holes around Chelmsford. Many have been fixed in recent months and more fixes are on the way.
Thank you Tom for your time and passion to take on these thorny but vital issues I